General Compliance Training

You Will Learn


General Compliance Training

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Recognize how a compliance program operates
  • Identify and explain each of the seven core elements of a compliance program required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS):
         -Written polices, procedures, and standards of conduct
         -Compliance officer, compliance committee, and high-level oversight
         -Effective training and education
         -Effective lines of communication
         -Well publicized disciplinary standards
         -Effective system for routine monitoring, auditing, and identifying compliance risks
         -Procedures for prompt response to compliance issues 
  • Recognize the importance of conducting yourself in an ethical and legal manner
  • Gain an understanding of how your organization’s Standards of Conduct can be used to guide your behavior in specific situations 
  • Understand what is meant by non-compliance 
  • Identify non-compliance risk situations
  • List four potential consequences of non-compliance including contract termination 
  • Understand how non-compliance adversely impacts everyone including healthcare beneficiaries   
  • Recognize how compliance program violations should be reported 
  • Understand what happens after non-compliance is detected including the need for both internal monitoring and audits


Started on Saturday, January 4, 2025, 6:45 PM
State Finished
Completed on Saturday, January 4, 2025, 6:46 PM
Time taken 1 min 12 secs
Points 4.00/4.00
Grade 100.00 out of 100.00

You have completed this Knowledge Check.

Please proceed to the final exam by choosing the following 

Question 1


You work for a Sponsor. Last month, while reviewing a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) monthly report, you identified multiple individuals not enrolled in the plan but for whom the Sponsor is paid. You spoke to your supervisor who said don't worry about it. This month, you identify the same enrollees on the report again. What should you do?

Question 1Answer
Although you know about the Sponsor's non-retaliation policy, you are still nervous about reporting—to be safe, you submit a report through your compliance department's anonymous tip line to avoid identification
Wait until the next month to see if the same enrollees appear on the report again, figuring it may take a few months for CMS to reconcile its records—if they are, then you will say something to your supervisor again
Contact law enforcement and CMS to report the discrepancy
Ask your supervisor about the discrepancy again
Decide not to worry about it as your supervisor instructed—you notified your supervisor last month and now it's his responsibility

Question 2


You discover an unattended email address or fax machine in your office receiving beneficiary appeals requests. You suspect no one is processing the appeals. What should you do?

Question 2Answer
Contact your compliance department (via compliance hotline or other mechanism)
Contact your supervisor
Contact law enforcement
Wait to confirm someone is processing the appeals before taking further action

Question 3


You are performing a regular inventory of the controlled substances in the pharmacy. You discover a minor inventory discrepancy. What should you do?


Question 3Answer
Follow your pharmacy's procedures
Discuss your concerns with your supervisor
Contact your compliance department (via compliance hotline or other mechanism)
Perform another review
Call local law enforcement

Question 4


A sales agent, employed by the Sponsor's first-tier, downstream, or related entity (FDR), submitted an application for processing and requested two things: 1) to back-date the enrollment date by one month, and 2) to waive all monthly premiums for the beneficiary. What should you do?

Question 4Answer
Tell the sales agent you will take care of it but then process the application properly (without the requested revisions)—you will not file a report because you don't want the sales agent to retaliate against you
Refuse to change the date or waive the premiums but decide not to mention the request to a supervisor or the compliance department
Contact law enforcement and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to report the sales agent's behavior
Make the requested changes because the sales agent determines the beneficiary's start date and monthly premiums
Process the application properly (without the requested revisions)—inform your supervisor and the compliance officer about the sales agent's request
Started onStateCompleted onTime takenPointsGradeFeedback
Saturday, January 4, 2025, 6:50 PM
Saturday, January 4, 2025, 6:54 PM
3 mins 32 secs
100.00 out of 100.00
You've successfully completed this exam. Please click here to return to the homepage, where you may now access the next training module.

Question 1


Medicare Parts C and D sponsors are not required to have a compliance program.

Question 1Answer





Question 2


These are examples of issues that can be reported to a Compliance Department: suspected fraud, waste, and abuse (FWA), potential health privacy violation, and unethical behavior/employee misconduct.

Question 2Answer





Question 3


Ways to report a compliance issue include:

Question 3Answer


Telephone hotlines


Report on the Sponsor’s website


In-person reporting to the compliance department/supervisor


All of the above

Question 4


Once a corrective action plan begins addressing non-compliance for fraud, waste, and abuse (FWA) committed by a Sponsor’s employee or first-tier, downstream, or related entity’s (FDR’s) employee, ongoing monitoring of the corrective actions is not necessary.

Question 4Answer





Question 5


What is the policy of non-retaliation?

Question 5Answer


Allows the Sponsor to discipline employees who violate the Code of Conduct


Prohibits management and supervisors from harassing employees for misconduct


Protects employees, who in good faith report suspected non-compliance


Prevents fights between employees

Question 6


At a minimum, an effective compliance program includes four core requirements.

Question 6Answer





Question 7


What are some of the consequences for non-compliance, fraudulent, or unethical behavior?

Question 7Answer


Disciplinary action


Termination of employment


Exclusion from participating in all Federal health care programs


All of the above

Question 8


Standards of Conduct are the same for every Medicare Parts C and D sponsor.

Question 8Answer





Question 9


Compliance is the responsibility of the Compliance Officer, Compliance Committee, and Upper Management only.

Question 9Answer





Question 10


Correcting non-compliance________.

Question 10Answer


Protects enrollees, avoids recurrence of same non-compliance, and promotes efficiency


Ensures bonuses for all employees


Both A and B

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Arkansas Medicare Agent

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I am Rachael Kathleen Rawlins and I serve all of these Arkansas counties to find you the most savings in your Medicare Plan or Medicare Advantage Plan.  

Arkansas, Ashley, Baxter, Benton, Boone, Bradley, Calhoun, Carroll, Chicot, Clark, Clay, Cleburne,
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Independence, Izard, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Lafayette, Lawrence, Lee, Lincoln, Little River,
Logan, Lonoke, Madison, Marion, Miller, Mississippi, Monroe, Montgomery, Nevada, Newton,
Ouachita, Perry, Phillips, Pike, Poinsett, Polk, Pope, Prairie, Pulaski, Randolph, Saline, Scott,
Searcy, Sebastian, Sevier, Sharp, St. Francis, Stone, Union, Van Buren, Washington, White,
Woodruff and Yell counties

Missouri Medicare Agent

Meet Rachael Kathleen Rawlins, your knowledgeable and pleasant insurance agent with expertise in saving you time and money, finding the most comprehensive Medicare Plan for you.

Call your Medicare Agent, Rachael Kathleen Rawlins, now.

501-393-2414 or easily enroll here online.

I am Rachael Kathleen Rawlins and I serve all of these Missouri counties to find you the most savings in your Medicare Plan or Medicare Advantage Plan.  

Missouri Counties and Regions

Part 1: Sorted by Region Showing Region Codes and Counties

Region Code Region Name Counties
110 St. Louis MSA Franklin, Jefferson, Lincoln, St. Charles, St. Louis, Warren, St. Louis city
203 Kansas City MSA Cass, Clay, Clinton, Jackson, Lafayette, Platte, Ray
213 Springfield - Branson Christian, Dallas, Greene, Polk, Stone, Taney, Webster
302 Central Audrain, Boone, Callaway, Cole, Cooper, Gasconade, Howard, Moniteau, Montgomery, Osage, Randolph
401 Bootheel Butler, Carter, Dunklin, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Ripley, Scott, Stoddard, Wayne
404 Lake Ozark Rolla Camden, Crawford, Dent, Laclede, Maries, Miller, Morgan, Phelps, Pulaski
405 Lower East Central-Cape Bollinger, Cape Girardeau, Iron, Madison, Perry, Reynolds, Ste. Genevieve, St. Francois, Washington
406 North Central Carroll, Chariton, Grundy, Linn, Livingston, Mercer, Putnam, Sullivan
407 Northeast Adair, Clark, Knox, Lewis, Macon, Marion, Monroe, Pike, Ralls, Schuyler, Scotland, Shelby
408 Northwest Andrew, Atchison, Buchanan, Caldwell, Daviess, DeKalb, Gentry, Harrison, Holt, Nodaway, Worth
411 South Central Douglas, Howell, Oregon, Ozark, Shannon, Texas, Wright
412 Southwest Barry, Barton, Cedar, Dade, Jasper, Lawrence, McDonald, Newton, Vernon
414 West Central Bates, Benton, Henry, Hickory, Johnson, Pettis, St. Clair, Saline

Part 2: Sorted by County

Fipco county Region
29001 Adair Northeast
29003 Andrew Northwest
29005 Atchison Northwest
29007 Audrain Central
29009 Barry Southwest
29011 Barton Southwest
29013 Bates West Central
29015 Benton West Central
29017 Bollinger Lower East Central-Cape
29019 Boone Central
29021 Buchanan Northwest
29023 Butler Bootheel
29025 Caldwell Northwest
29027 Callaway Central
29029 Camden Lake Ozark Rolla
29031 Cape Girardeau Lower East Central-Cape
29033 Carroll North Central
29035 Carter Bootheel
29037 Cass Kansas City MSA
29039 Cedar Southwest
29041 Chariton North Central
29043 Christian Springfield - Branson
29045 Clark Northeast
29047 Clay Kansas City MSA
29049 Clinton Kansas City MSA
29051 Cole Central
29053 Cooper Central
29055 Crawford Lake Ozark Rolla
29057 Dade Southwest
29059 Dallas Springfield - Branson
29061 Daviess Northwest
29063 DeKalb Northwest
29065 Dent Lake Ozark Rolla
29067 Douglas South Central
29069 Dunklin Bootheel
29071 Franklin St. Louis MSA
29073 Gasconade Central
29075 Gentry Northwest
29077 Greene Springfield - Branson
29079 Grundy North Central
29081 Harrison Northwest
29083 Henry West Central
29085 Hickory West Central
29087 Holt Northwest
29089 Howard Central
29091 Howell South Central
29093 Iron Lower East Central-Cape
29095 Jackson Kansas City MSA
29097 Jasper Southwest
29099 Jefferson St. Louis MSA
29101 Johnson West Central
29103 Knox Northeast
29105 Laclede Lake Ozark Rolla
29107 Lafayette Kansas City MSA
29109 Lawrence Southwest
29111 Lewis Northeast
29113 Lincoln St. Louis MSA
29115 Linn North Central
29117 Livingston North Central
29119 McDonald Southwest
29121 Macon Northeast
29123 Madison Lower East Central-Cape
29125 Maries Lake Ozark Rolla
29127 Marion Northeast
29129 Mercer North Central
29131 Miller Lake Ozark Rolla
29133 Mississippi Bootheel
29135 Moniteau Central
29137 Monroe Northeast
29139 Montgomery Central
29141 Morgan Lake Ozark Rolla
29143 New Madrid Bootheel
29145 Newton Southwest
29147 Nodaway Northwest
29149 Oregon South Central
29151 Osage Central
29153 Ozark South Central
29155 Pemiscot Bootheel
29157 Perry Lower East Central-Cape
29159 Pettis West Central
29161 Phelps Lake Ozark Rolla
29163 Pike Northeast
29165 Platte Kansas City MSA
29167 Polk Springfield - Branson
29169 Pulaski Lake Ozark Rolla
29171 Putnam North Central
29173 Ralls Northeast
29175 Randolph Central
29177 Ray Kansas City MSA
29179 Reynolds Lower East Central-Cape
29181 Ripley Bootheel
29183 St. Charles St. Louis MSA
29185 St. Clair West Central
29186 Ste. Genevieve Lower East Central-Cape
29187 St. Francois Lower East Central-Cape
29189 St. Louis St. Louis MSA
29195 Saline West Central
29197 Schuyler Northeast
29199 Scotland Northeast
29201 Scott Bootheel
29203 Shannon South Central
29205 Shelby Northeast
29207 Stoddard Bootheel
29209 Stone Springfield - Branson
29211 Sullivan North Central
29213 Taney Springfield - Branson
29215 Texas South Central
29217 Vernon Southwest
29219 Warren St. Louis MSA
29221 Washington Lower East Central-Cape
29223 Wayne Bootheel
29225 Webster Springfield - Branson
29227 Worth Northwest
29229 Wright South Central
29510 St. Louis city St. Louis MSA